Thursday, August 13, 2009

Parents--Sell the school!

In her Edutopia blog entry for August 3, Molly suggests six ways parents can market our school: Be a champion; Host a conversation; Start a blog; Use the news; Be consistent; and Prepare successors.
Why are these ideas important?
1. By far the most effective advertising for private schools is parent word-of-mouth.
2. Increasing student enrollment is the one single thing that will assure the future prosperity of MCCS.
3. We have space for more students and would love to reach more kids in our community.
4. Traditional approaches to marketing--radio, newspaper, TV, bulk mail and Open Houses are not very effective.
So, let's get the word out about MCCS.

1 comment:

  1. You can help market your school by teaching your kids to be responsible in the back country. I was appaled by what I saw your school doing at Pine Lake this summer.
