Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Golf at School?

Thanks to Justin Holzgrove and friends, we now have an exciting addition at Mason County Christian School! It is a fun game called Frisbee Golf or Disc Golf.

Justin and friends created maps that lead the way to poles (or holes) that you aim to reach within a certain amount of throws (par). It starts in the parking lot, goes over to the volleyball court, down around Building 3, into the woods around the trail and back out at the other end of the field, up to the playshed and then back to the middle of the field.

The students enjoyed trying out this new sport, even though it included time searching for the discs in the woods! All in good fun!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Full House

It was a full house. The entire MCCS school plus a 40-member band and choir packed the chapel room today. Including drums, saxophones, a tuba, and lots more.

Sunnyside Christian School's high school band and choir blessed us with a fabulous concert. Their high school has 70 students, and 40 of them were with us today. They are welcome any time!

Pictured: MCCS student Becky was the guest conductor for one song.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gospel Girls

It was open to any fourth through sixth grader who wanted to sing. Mr. E. ended up with the Gospel Girls. They have been practicing during recess and after school. Their hard work showed in their concert Thursday night. Nicely done, girls!

With special thanks to Emily on the keyboard, MCCS grad Tyler on the guitar, and Mr. E. on the guitar and banjo.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Alivia Sandquist, a 7th grader at MCCS, won this year’s Mason County Forest Festival button design. Her artwork was selected from 900 applicants. During the annual awards ceremony, she was presented with two framed versions of her design and also a cash prize. What a wonderful gift from God to be blessed with such artistic ability. Great job Alivia, we are proud of you!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Final Count Down

Only 23 days until they leave for the ultimate field trip. Fourteen students, eleven adults, and two teachers will travel east to make history come alive.

The itinerary includes Jamestown, Williamsburg, Washington D.C., Mt. Vernon, Monticello, Gettysburg, and New York City.

Come support their last fundraiser on Friday night and enjoy an evening of entertainment.

Dessert Theatre: 7 to 9 pm Friday, March 5 @ First Baptist Church $5 per person or $15 per family.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

100 Days of School

How do you celebrate the 100th day of first grade? Start by reading Psalm 100.

Mr. Lofthus' first graders traced and cut out a total of 100 footprints and made a path out of their room.

Math lessons included number sentences that equaled 100. They each counted out 100 pieces of Froot Loops® cereal and sorted by color.

They tallied how many minutes of reading they did in one day and were only 10 minutes short of 100.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Don't miss Jerry Pinkney

The One-Wall Gallery (more commonly known as the entry hall in Building 3) is now featuring the work of children's book illustrator Jerry Pinkney. Known primarily for his unique watercolors, Pinkney is a multiple award winner, and deservedly so. His colorful illustrations consistenly deliver a beauty and dignity that is too rare in kid's books today.

A Special thank you from the Bamford family

Dear Mason County Christian School,
Thank you for the generous gift you gave to buy and ship rice to the people in our village. They are so thankful!

Mr. Bamford was able to fly 2 airplane loads of rice to the village in February which totaled 1,200 lbs. Thanks to your gifts and the gifts of others, we will be able to send 7 more plane loads to help the people.

While Mr. Bamford was in the village, someone gave him a small bag of locally grown rice from what he was able to salvage from his field. When he handed the bag to Mr. Bamford, seven grains of rice spilled onto the table. The man noticed and carefully picked each one up to return to the bag. Each grain of rice is valuable and the Isnag are thankful for your help to them.

God bless,
Heidi for the Bamford family

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome new students!

This week we welcomed the Faust family to MCCS. Dan and Mary have two children attending--Rachel is in Mr. Endicott's class (Yea, another girl!) and Jotham is in Mrs. Settle's room. The Fausts have home-schooled up until now, so this will be a big adjustment; thanks to those of you who have already stepped up and offered to help with transportation.